Level 1 – 100% Female Black Youth owned

Emergency Contact

083 231 2227 (Robyn)
083 231 9996 (Barry)
Our Certified Registered Professional Bodies & Affiliates


The NCCA is the National Contract Cleaners Association of South Africa, and it sets the national standards for all companies within the cleaning company industry. Most companies and government institutions require NCCA Registration when applying for tenders, RFQ’s or contracts. The NCCA is a regulated body ensuring Cleaning companies are audited and Certified on a regular basis. Is your Cleaning service provider registered with the NCCA.
– Membership no.: GAU 1109

NBC Holdings

NBC Holdings, also known as The National Contract Cleaners Provident Fund, is South Africa’s first black-owned and managed employee benefits company offering; pension, provident and retirement fund administration, trustee services, financial advice, trustee training, savings and other financial related services for cleaners in our industry.
– Membership no:.G3436

Proudly South Africa

Proudly South African is a membership based organization, and only companies that have been audited and approved are entitled to carry the logo, which is a sign that a product or service meets local content thresholds and above all, quality standards. FocusFS is a proud member, as we epitomize a New South Africa business.
– Membership no.: C 04135


The PBEH is a non-statutory body, which recognizes practitioners within the cleaning industry. The professional body is managed by a Board, comprising of industry representatives and specialists, which share a common goal: to promote excellence within the cleaning industry. Furthermore the PBEH is a voluntary body made up of members that preside over issues that affect the specialized field of skills development in the cleaning industry. FocusFS strives to be kept abreast of all the latest most innovative practices, skills and Professional health Bodies within the Cleaning, hygiene and Environmental sector.
– Membership no.: A264 – Barry London


ISSA is the leading trade association for the cleaning industry worldwide, ISSA has a membership that includes more than 10,500 distributor, manufacturer, manufacturer representative, building service contractor, in-house service provider, residential cleaning, and associated service members. ISSA also helps increase members’ professionalism and success by offering business tools, educational products, industry standards, publications, and legislative and regulatory services that specifically focus on the professional cleaning industry. It is through these initiatives that ISSA helps its members demonstrate the true value of clean to their varied constituents. As a member of ISSA, FocusFS is Intune with the latest Worldwide cleaning innovations, trends, systems, products and happenings within the cleaning sector. Does your Service Provider belong to an International Trade Association?
– Interesting link pertaining to decontamination processes: https://www.issa.com/media/news/gbac-responds-to-updated-cdc-guidelines-for-cleaning-disinfecting-against-covid-19
– Membership no.: 457 432